I am an engaged woman because:
I am tired of partisan fighting getting in the way of making progress on issues |
the 4 points of Engage
Engage’s mission is to give voice to American women and make progress on issues of women’s economic security. LEARN MORE
We seek to be a new women’s movement which mobilizes elected and corporate leaders to address our economic security. LEARN MORE
Engage celebrates bipartisanship. LEARN MORE
No matter who wins an election, bipartisanship is the only path forward. LEARN MORE
The thread of a woman’s economic life:
The average caregiver is a 49-year-old woman who works at least part time and has been taking care of an aging parent for several years.
A third of Baby Boomers in or approaching retirement have between $0 and $25,000 set aside.
Most adults in poverty are women. The median annual income of women age 65 and older is 42 percent lower than men.
In 2016, one-third of the US labor force completed no more than high school.
The median age of women getting married is 28, and the average marriage length that ends in divorce is 7 years. Women’s household income falls by 41% with divorce, almost 2x the decline that men experience.
The average age of female entrepreneurs today is 42.
age group
What makes
Engage different?

We are singularly focused on improving women’s economic security. We will not be divided in our mission. Discussions around divisive social issues are not a focus of Engage’s bipartisan mission. 

Engage does not endorse candidates running for elected office.

Engage does not raise money for or contribute to candidates running for elected office.

from our founder, RACHEL PEARSON

“The political conversation has not adapted to women’s current economic realities. Engage is emerging in a period of profound transformation in every part of our lives, societally and economically. We are a powerful convening of ideas and people taking real action to promote women’s economic security in the United States.”

more about engage
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A new movement for women starts now.
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featured story
“Longevity demands rethinking of all stages of life, not just old age.”
– Laura L. Carstensen
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83% + $20 trillion
Women are responsible for 83 percent of all consumer purchases in the U.S. and control nearly $20 trillion of the world’s spending power.
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our policy
We value policymakers who cross the partisan divide to solve economic issues that impact women’s financial security.
We demand elected leaders and celebrate the business community to focus on policies that empower women and their families.
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